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B. Schmid English

Chapt. 10 Sharing intuition and imagery - isb-handbook

Buch, 2019, 8 Seiten
Signatur: 2019SB0160E

"A picture is worth a thousand words." I presume everybody experienced this. I remember that once in an essay I was explaining why coaches should be ...


B. Schmid / P. Hawkins / G. Goeta English

Spiritual exercises: Peter Hawkins, Gianfranco Goeta and Bernd Schmid (INOC), Part 13

Interview/Gespräch, Wiesloch, INOC Meeting 2016, 2016, 00:08:11
Signatur: 2016VX1352E

Spiritual exercises: At the 2nd INOC-Meeting 2016 in Wiesloch, Germany, Dr. Bernd Schmid interviewed Peter Hawkins, Professor for Leadership, ...

B. Schmid English

The Narrative Approach

Vortrag, Chennai, India, 2015, 02:13:09
Signatur: 2015VV1158E

Bernd Schmid presents the Narative Approach and talks about Background Images, Intuition, Inner Pictures and Dreams.

B. Schmid English

Narrative TA (Group 1)

Workshop, Oxford, Learning Conversations 2011, 2011, 02:37:04
Signatur: 2011VW1320E

Learning Conversations with Bernd Schmid in 2011 in Oxford.

B. Schmid English

Narrative TA (Group 2)

Workshop, Oxford, Learning Conversations 2011, 2011, 01:07:16
Signatur: 2011VW1299E

Learning Conversations with Bernd Schmid in 2011 in Oxford.


B. Schmid English

The Narrative Approach

Vortrag, Chennai, India, 2015, 01:38:17
Signatur: 2015AV1158E

Bernd Schmid presents the Narative Approach and talks about Background Images, Intuition, Inner Pictures and Dreams.

Click to transfer

B. Schmid English

Narrative Transactional Analysis and Intuition

Oxford, Learning Conversations, 2011
Signatur: 2011CT1299E

Lecture by Bernd Schmid, as part of the Oxford Learning Conversations 2011.

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