
In our think tank new concepts and models emerge, which are conclusive and effective for decades. This includes numerous learning innovations, which have been created at isb and which we pass on to our participants.
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We are convinced that learning continues as a process even after training. This is why it is also part of our self-understanding to act as a network organization, which, with many actors, maintains different levels of participation and cooperation.
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The central pillar of the isb is the offer of further education as an academy and professionalization institute. Our offers consist of curricula and seminars, in-house curricula as well as the program of the isb ProfessionalGroup.
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Dr. Bernd  Schmid

Dr. Bernd Schmid
isb GmbH – Founder and leader of the isb

Contact and other profiles online

"Culture is created by culture and examples spread into the world"

What does Bernd Schmid stand for?

Dr. phil. Bernd Schmid is the founder (1984) and the leading figure of today's isb GmbH in Wiesloch. He is also the executive director of the Schmid Foundation, which he founded. He was initiator and co-founder (1992) of the Association for Continuing Education and Supervision GWS and the international network of organizational coaching INOC (2014). He is an honorary member of the Systemische Gesellschaft, co-founder (2004) and honorary chairman of the German Federal Association for Coaching DBVC, winner of the Eric Berne Memorial Award 2007 of the International TA Society ITAA, the scientific prize 1988 of the European TA company EATA and the Life Achievement Award 2017 of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transaktionsanalyse DGTA.

Bernd Schmid studied economics, education and psychology. He provides a large number of his numerous hundred publications in writing, word and image to the public in the free isb campus. His essays on personal and professional subjects can be subscribed to at the isb blog (in German only).


Bernd Schmid works as a concept developer, didactician, learning and professorial culture developer, entrepreneur and founder of initiatives and associations. A counselor, a secular pastor (formerly a psychotherapist), a mentor, a guide, a stimulant, a reminder and an encouragement for generations of professionals.

It is precisely this wide-ranging interest that belongs to what distinguishes him, for he is never a dogmatic advocate of a school or direction, but always in the search for what is profitable for the respective "cause" in the sense of systemic thinking. In doing so, he combines the view of the whole of relationships with that on the individual in the system to a comprehensive cultural understanding.

Bernd Schmids concepts are used all over the world.  The topics range from working with intuition, dreams and inner pictures to the development of complex organizations and the critical examination of social developments. He represents the approach of a humane economy, which is lived in isb GmbH and the Schmid Foundation.

Learn more about Bernd Schmid

Browse through his articles, videos and podcasts and be inspired!

You can find more of Bernd Schmid in our isb campus.

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Bernd Schmid on Transactional Analysis (Oxford Learning Conversations 2011)

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Bernd Schmid on "Working with Images" (3. World Conference on Excellence. Chandigarh, India, 2015)

The isb YouTube Channel impressively documents numerous approaches and ideas from Bernd Schmid.

More from Bernd Schmid

Bernd Schmid's books, specialist articles, video and audio recordings offer a wide range of connections for work-related and intellectual inspiration as well as for learning and thinking. Learn more...

On 12 December 2016 Bernd Schmid celebrated his 70th birthday and his professional jubilee 40+. With this jubilee he withdrew himself from his active career, but continued to be supported in the background with his experience. A new section begins for him as well as for the organizations he has created. Go to the anniversary page (German only)...

  • Honorary member of the Systemic Society
  • University Council of the Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg
  • Teacher of the international TA-Society and other companies in the area of psychotherapy, coaching, supervision, systemic consulting as well as organization and personnel development.
  • Co-founder and Chairman of the Presidium of the German Federation of Coaching (DBVC)
  • Founder and Chairman of the Society for Continuing Education and Supervision (GWS)
  • Co-founder of the forum humanum
  • Winner of the Eric Berne Memorial Award 2007 of the International TA-Society ITAA, the scientific prize 1988 of the European TA-company EATA and the Life Achievement Award 2017 of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transaktionsnalyse DGTA
  • Editor of the series Systemic Professionalism and Consulting EHP, Bergisch Gladbach
  • Initiator and co-founder of the international network INOC
1993 Transformation into the Institute for Systemic Consulting

Continuation of the specialist institute for PE + OE
1984 Foundation and management of the Institute for Systemic Therapy and Transaction Analysis together with Dr. med. Gunthard Weber
 1976-1979 Psychotherapist and study consultant, University of Heidelberg; Then freelance consultant and teacher in private practice
 1973-1976 Lecturer for counseling psychology at the Fachhochschule of the Federal Institute for Labor
 1970-1973 Teaching assistant for national economy University of Mannheim
 1969-1970 Student tutor economics and law


Elementary school and high-school


One-year commercial traineeship in industry and banking


Studies as Diplom-Handelslehrer University of Mannheim


Studies in psychology and pedagogy


Doctorate to Dr. phil. at the University of Mannheim


Continuing Education and Projects


Group dynamics training (AGIB), advanced training in body therapy (Neo-Reich), Gestalt therapy


Continuing education in conversation psychotherapy (MLA) Recognition as a conversation psychotherapist in the MLL 1979


Further education Transactional Analysis, Clinical Transaction Analyst (Level I) 1979, Aix-en-Provence


Continuing education for systemic family therapists, advanced training in NLP and hypnosis (M. Erickson), as well as studying the psychology of CG. Young and his students.


Continuing education as an instructor and teacher; supervisor in transactional analysis (International, German and International Society)
1985, extending to Organization, Education and Counseling 1988 and 1993