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Indian hospitality & German precision - isb leader Thorsten Veith visits India to teach the S-DOC.

8. Februar 2025 – von Thorsten Veith

The isb in India! isb leader Thorsten Veith travels to India to teach together with A. Geethan the final module of the international certification course S-DOC (Systemic & Dialogic Organizational Change) - co-created by isb and Nibbana Institute in Chennai. A report.

This journey is the result of a great collaboration over many 1000 kilometers, an inspired co-creation and a warm-hearted professional and personal connection. I am very happy and grateful that we have put this idea into practice and that I can directly experience the "final act" of the S-DOC premiere.


It's done! The first S-DOC curriculum in India.
We have thoroughly worked ourselves through the "full package isb".

I had the great pleasure to work intensively with the participants on our topics: role model and working on role bundle. Working with teams as communities sharing responsibility . Cultural encounter model of communication and creating shared realities.

Everyone adapted well to the topics and proudly accepted their certificates in the end.

The S-DOC came to a good end. At the final ceremony, each of the participants gave a short speech. They are enchanted, inspired and say that the curriculum has changed their "professional life". They describe their experiences and learnings in the same way German Alumni do.

Geethan and Anu are doing a fantastic job here.

Die whole development history of S-DOC you find here in the "Logbook"  and on the Webseite of the Nibbana Institute.

More about Nibbana Institute and A. Geethan you find here.

The proud S-DOC Alumni with their certificates:

I pay my respects to Geethan. Together with Anu he has built something great here. People see that and show appreciation. Geethan himself is grateful to his mentor Bernd Schmid, who has accompanied and supported Geethan's idea and vision from the very beginning.


And myself? I'm happy! I am deeply impressed by what is happening here - what we have created together and by what has been contributed from all sides.

So: satisfaction on all levels.

By the way, this is the traditional Weshti. You can wear it this way and that way ;-)

Thorsten Veith live from India: "A little video study on self-organizing systems".


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Thanks to Geethan (Managing Director & Chief Visionary Officer) and Anuradha (Executive Director) for their commitment, hospitality and the warm-hearted and friendly relationship we have!

Thorsten Veith, December 2019