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Transactional Analysis

For his organizational work, Bernd Schmid developed concepts and approaches from a systemic perspective, integrating transactional analysis ideas as well as elements of the professional culture of transactional analysis (TA). These include dimensions of reality, such as organizational roles, structures, market dynamics, as well as technical and economic criteria in shaping prices.


Systemic TA - Approaches for co-creating Reality


Workshop at the World-Conference of the DGTA, 27.-29.7.2017 in Berlin.

Systemic TA - Approaches for co-creating Reality

Workshop at the World-Conference of the DGTA, 27.-29.7.2017 in Berlin.

Systemic Transactional Analysis: Communication models

Lecture by Dr. Bernd Schmid as part of the Oxford Learning Conversations in 2011.

Narrative Transactional Analysis

Lecture by Bernd Schmid, as part of the Oxford Learning Conversations 2011.

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Systemic Transactional Analysis

Introduction to the Learning Conversations 2011 by Bernd Schmid. He gives an overview of all major TA concepts taught at isb Wiesloch.

Signatur: 2011VW1328E
B. Schmid

Systemic TA (Group 1)

Workshop, Oxford, Learning Conversations 2011, 2011, 01:38:33

Learning Conversations with Bernd Schmid in 2011 in Oxford.

Inspiring background images and the use of the "theatre metaphor" in professional coaching

By asking relatively simple questions one is able to find out things about the inner background images which act as force-fields and shape professional performance. The "theatre metaphor" can be used for an illustrative description of a person. The person's life-episodes are transformed into a "play", which enables us to put questions of personality into a framework of time and space. This enables us to differentiate different life-contexts in which the stages, stories, roles and interaction of the participants can be pinpointed.

Signatur: 2005SI0107E
B. Schmid

Inspiring background images and the use of the theatre metaphor in professional coaching

Institutsschrift, 2005, 11 Seiten

Paper for the 12th European Mentoring and Coaching Conference, 30.11.-01./02.12.2005 in Zürich.  

Matching dialogue using inner images

The participants of the workshop establish a link between their personal professional development and the development of their team or company. To do this they intuitively activate their respective inner images in respect to the past, the present and the expected future. In dialogue with colleagues they exchange ideas on how their own motivation, needs and desires match the demands and development of their team or company.

Signatur: 2007SI0109E
B. Schmid

Matching dialogues using inner images

Institutsschrift, 2007, 10 Seiten

In matching dialogue using inner images the participants of the workshop establish a link between their personal professional development and the ...

The Reality-Constructive Perspective – Systemic Thinking And Professionalism Tomorrow

Social systems develop realities which are sustained and made plausible by the fact that the people involved orientate themselves along the respective ideas about reality, be it on purpose or without purpose, be it with or without awareness.

Signatur: 1996SI0195E
B. Schmid

The Reality-Constructive Perspective

Institutsschrift, 1996, 15 Seiten

Systemic thinking and professionalism tomorrow. The adjective systemic means in this context a way of approach which sees any event and any part of a ...

Theory, language and intuition

Paper presented at the Congress of the German Society for Transactional Analysis, Norderney,
1980. In this paper, Bernd Schmid discusses the basic ideas of his report on 'Theory and Intuition'. He calls for a simple transactional analysis and for those who use it to possess a richly varied experience, to be intuitive, mentally differentiated and well trained.

Signatur: 1984SI0196E
B. Schmid

Theory, Language and Intuition

Institutsschrift, 1984, 5 Seiten

Following considerations about the relation of theories, terminology and intuition the author makes good arguments and reasons for a simple TA and ...

Impact of being a man or being a woman on the therapeutic system

In this paper, Bernd Schmid approaches the issue of being a man or a woman in the therapeutic system in terms of male or female personality, differences in being, identity, positions and perspectives of the self.

Signatur: 1989SI0201E
B. Schmid

Impact of being a man or being a woman on the therapeutic system

Institutsschrift, 1989, 6 Seiten

The topic focuses on being a man or a woman. Therefore the author will approach the issue in terms of male or female personality, in terms of ...

The Power of Co-Creative Relationships

In this podcast Bernd Schmid talks about co-creative relationships and the power that lies within them.

Signatur: 2007AV2344E
B. Schmid

The power of cocreative relationships

Vortrag, San Francisco, International Transactional Analysis Conference, 2007, 00:40:05

Keynote-Speech auf der International Transactional Analysis Conference 2007 in San Francisco.

The Role Concept of Transactional Analysis

In this podcast, Bernd Schmid presents the concept of "role" from a TA perspective.

Signatur: 2007AV2345E
B. Schmid

Role concept of TA

Vortrag, San Francisco, International Transactional Analysis Conference, 2007, 00:56:59

Bernd Schmid wurde mit diesem Konzept auf der International Transactional Analysis Conference 2007 in San Francisco mit dem Eric Berne Memorial Award ...

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