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B. Schmid
The author presents the basic ideas of the article: "Breaking through the dilemmacircle", for which he received the first EATA Award. The essential part of the speech contains the discussion about Transactional Analysis and the identification as Transactional Analysist. Thereby certain TA-concepts, the approach to theories and models of TA as well as the culture of the TA-community are critically examined. A perspective concerning the future means to the author a further development of Eric Berne's basic ideas of social psychiatry in connection with a new understanding of cybernetics and communication-theory.
Transactional Analysis, Dilemma Circle, Reality Construction, Frame of Reference
Qualifikationsschriften/wissenschaftliche Arbeiten
Accepting the first EATA-Award 1988 in Blackpool.
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B. Schmid
Qualifikationsschriften/wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, 1988, 23 Seiten
Signatur: 1988SW0192D
Hinweis: Inaktive Elemente (grau dargestellt) sind nur für registrierte Nutzer und/oder isb Netzwerker zugänglich.
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B. Schmid
Institutsschrift, 1988, 3 Seiten
Signatur: 1988SI0190D
Hinweis: Inaktive Elemente (grau dargestellt) sind nur für registrierte Nutzer und/oder isb Netzwerker zugänglich.
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