Merkliste: Chapt. 10 Sharing intuition and imagery - isb-handbook

erstellt von: Bernd Schmid

Here you will find for free download various writings, audios, videos, didactic material for the chapter Sharing intuition and imagery. The respective headings see below.
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From isb - handbook: Sharing intuition and imagery (Chapt. 10)

Narrative approaches have been a major field for Bernd Schmid over decades.
This results in a variety of presentations of different approaches.

I-It/I-You-Style: This concept is derived from an ideas of Viktor Frankl and Martin Buber. It has similarities with a common differentiation between task-oriented and people-oriented people and some concepts in group-dynamics.

Exitement intesifyer/ exitement reducer: This idea derives from a lecture of the Psilocybin-researcher Roland Fischer, I heard on a conference in Spain in the 1980s


Brief explanation:
B. Schmid
Systemic TA - Approaches for co-creating Reality
Click Chart 48 + 49 to access specific points in Video

The most elaborate explanations are found in the Video Oxford 2011:
B. Schmid
Narrative Transactional Analysis and Intuition
click Carts to access video at specific points.

There is a variety of more Writings, Audios, Videos on Guided imagegy, intuition, dreamwork, instructions for working with inner images and more.

B. Schmid

Background images and professional empowerment

B. Schmid

Guidelines for cooperative dream dialogues

B. Schmid

Tuning into background levels of communication - communication models at isb

B. Schmid

Theory, Language and Intuition

B. Schmid

Narrative approaches

B. Schmid


B. Schmid


B. Schmid

Dreams in organizational coaching

B. Schmid

Theatre metaphor role model of personality

B. Schmid

Guided imagery theatre metaphors

B. Schmid

ZEN story

B. Schmid

Guided Imagery - Stages and Styles

B. Schmid

Guided Imagery - Professionality in Past, Present and Future


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